Bihar Board Physics Exam 2024 : Class 12th Physics Exam 2024, Most Vvi objective question .

Bihar Board Physics Exam 2024 

Objective Type Questions With Answer

1. Electric Field lines provide information about :

( A ) Field strength
( B ) Direction
( C ) Nature of charge
( D ) all of these

Ans – ( D )

2. The law, governing the force acting between two electric charge is known as :

( A ) Ampere’s law
( B ) Ohm’s law
( C ) Faraday’s law
( D ) Coulomb’s law

Ans – ( D )

3. Quantisation of charge indicates that :

( A ) Change, which is a fraction of charge on an electron, is not possible
( B ) A charge can not be destroyed
( C ) Charge exists on particles
( D ) There exists a minimum permissible charge on a particle

Ans – ( A )

4. S I. unit of electric dipole is

( A ) CN
( B ) Cm
( C ) C
( D ) C/m

Ans – ( B )

5 Which of the following has unit volt/metre ?

( A ) electric flux
( B ) electric potential
( C ) electric capacity
( D ) electric field

Ans – ( D )

Bihar Board Physics Exam 2024
Bihar Board Physics Exam 2024

6. When a body is charged, it’s mass

( A ) Increase
( B ) Decrease
( C ) Remains
( D ) May increase or decrease

Ans – ( D )

7. Electrostatic Field is

( A ) Conservative
( B ) Non conservative
( C ) Somewhere conservative and somewhere non conservative
( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )

Bihar Board Physics Exam 2024

8. Coulombian Force is

( A ) Central Force
( B ) Electric Force
( C ) Both ( A ) and ( B )
( D ) None of these

Ans – ( C )

9. In the uniform electric field along X-axis, then equipotential is along :

( A ) XY – plane
( B ) XZ – plane
( C ) YZ – plane
( D ) anywhere

Ans – ( C )

10. The unit of intensity of electric field is :

( A ) metre/volt
( B ) joule/Newton
( C ) coulomb/Newton
( D ) Newton/coulomb

Ans – ( D )

11. When a soap bubble is charged, it’s radius:

( A ) Increase
( B ) Decrease
( C ) Remains the same
( D ) Become Zero

Ans – ( A )

12. When a body becomes negatively charged, it’s mass

( A ) Decrease
( B ) Increase
( C ) Remains the same
( D ) Non of these

Ans – ( B )

11. When placed in a uniform field, a dipole experiences :

( A ) A net force
( B ) A torque
( C ) Both ( A ) and ( B )
( D ) None of these

Ans – ( B )

12. The belt of Van de Graaf generation gets charge by

( A ) Corona discharge
( B ) Induction
( C ) Electrification
( D ) Non of these

Ans – ( A )

13. When velocity of charged body increases, it’s change :

( A ) May increase
( B ) May decrease
( C ) May ( A ) or ( B )
( D ) Does not change

Ans – ( D )

14. In a uniform electric field, force per unit change defines :

( A ) Electric intensity
( B ) Gravitational intensity
( C ) Electric Potential
( D ) None of these

Ans – ( D )

15. Which of the following is Vector ?

( A ) Change
( B ) Electric Field intensity
( C ) Capacity
( D ) None of these

Ans – ( B )

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Physics Objective Question 2024 Exam,
bihar Board Physics Objective Question, Bihar Board English Medium Objective Question, Class 12 Objective Question, Inter Objectives Question 2024,

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