Class 12 Bihar Board Physics : Bihar Board Exam 2024, Physics Class 12 Vvi objective question.

Class 12 Bihar Board Physics :

1. If any ammeter is shunted, then the total resistance of the circuit :

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. remains same
d. none of these

Ans – ( B )

2. Resistance of ideal ammeter is

a. Infinity
b. Zero
c. 100 ohm
d. 50 ohm

Ans – ( B )

3. The resistance of an ideal ammeter is

a. Small
b. Large
c. Infinite
d. Zero

Ans – ( D )

4. The S.I unit of magnetic field ( or magnetic induction ) is

a. Tesla
b. Weber
c. Henry
d. Farad

Ans – ( A )

5. The magnetic moment of a one turn coil of area A and current I will be

a. IA
b. IAB
c. NIC
d. None

Ans – ( A )

6. When an ammeter is shunted, it’s total conductance

a. Increase
b. Decreases
c. Remains unchanged
d. none of these

Ans – ( A )

7. The magnetic induction line in a toroid is

a. Uniform
b. Circular
c. Straight
d. None of these

Ans – ( B )

8. The substance used for permanent magnet is

a. Steel
b. Soft iron
c. Copper
d. None of these

Ans – ( A )

9. The magnetic susceptibility of air is

a. Positive
b. Positive or negative
c. Negative
d. Zero

Ans – ( D )

10. Which of the following show hysterisis ?

a. Paramagnetic
b. Diamagnetic
c. Ferromagnetic
d. None of these

Ans – ( C )

Class 12 Bihar Board Physics
Class 12 Bihar Board Physics

Bihar Board Exam Questions 2024 Class 12 Bihar Board Physics

11. A plane mirror is used in a deflection magnetometer to

a. Remove parallax
b. Bring in magnetic meridian
c. To view the needle
d. None of these

Ans – ( A )

12. Which of the has a low value in ferrites ?

a. Conductivity
b. Magnetic susceptibility
c. Permeability
d. All of above

Ans – ( A )

13. The relative permeability of diamagnetic substance is

a. Large
b. Very small
c. Zero
d. None of these

Ans – ( B )

14. Copper is

a. Diamagnetic
b. Ferromagnetic
c. Paramagnetic
d. None of these

Ans – ( A )

15. A piece of iron is

a. Paramagnetic
b. Diamagnetic
c. Ferromagnetic
d. None of these

Ans – ( C )

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